Blairstown Public Library Board of Trustees By-Laws
Section I. Library Board
- According to the requirements of Ordinance 21.02 of the Blairstown City Code, the Board of Trustees of the Blairstown Public Library shall consist of seven trustees appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council.
- The general powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are as outlined in Ordinance 21.05 of the Blairstown City Code. The term of a trustee will be six years.
- The board shall exercise its power and duties by:
- Employing a competent and qualified Director and annually evaluating the performance of the Director;
- Cooperating with the Director in determining and adopting written policies to govern the operation and programs of the library, including personnel policies and policies governing the selection of library materials, supplies and equipment;
- Reporting to and cooperating with other public officials, boards and the community as a whole to support a public relations program for the library;
- Assisting in the preparation of and seeking adequate support for the annual budget; and
- Developing long-range goals for the library and working toward their achievement.
Section II. Officers
- The officers of the Board shall be a President, Vice President and a Secretary. Their terms of office shall be for the duration of their time on the Board.
- The President shall preside at all the meetings of the Board, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the Board, and generally perform all duties associated with that office. The President shall be a voting member.
- The Vice-President, in the vent of the absence or disability of the President, or of a vacancy in the office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the President, until an election at the July meeting.
- The Secretary shall provide a record of all proceedings of the Board which shall be kept at the library.
- If an office of the Board of Trustees becomes vacant by reason of death, resignation, retirement or for any other reason, the Board of Trustees may choose a successor for such an office at the first meeting following such vacancy. Such person or persons so chosen shall hold office until the next regular election of officers.
Section III. Meetings
- The Board of Trustees shall hold regular meetings monthly. The Board will determine the date and hour of such meetings. Notice of such meetings will be posted for the public.
- Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of any member of the Board. All members of the Board must be notified of any meetings.
- A quorum at any meeting shall consist of a majority of the Board of Trustees.
- The Director in cooperation with the President of the Board shall prepare an agenda for Board meetings.
- All meetings of the Board are open for observation by members of the public, with the exception of closed session as allowed by the Iowa Open Meetings law.
Section IV. Committees
- The Board may appoint such special committees as may be needed from time to time.
- No committee will have other than advisory powers.
Section V. Director
- The Board shall appoint a qualified Director who shall be the executive and administrative officer of the library on behalf of the Board and under its review and direction.
- In accordance with policies as adopted by the Board, the Director’s duties and responsibilities shall include but not be limited to:
- Providing effective, professional leadership, positioning the library to meet the community’s current and future informational needs.
- Ensuring library facilities and equipment are maintained and improved as necessary.
- Directing the hiring, placement, development, supervision and evaluation of qualified staff.
- Formulating the annual budget and administering it in a responsible, cost-effective manner.
- Informing the Board about the finances, public service, physical plant, personnel, collection and other developments changes and problems of the library.
- The Director shall present proposed policies and policy changes for the Board’s consideration.
- The Director shall be in attendance at all meetings of the Board, but may be excused for portions of meetings at which the Director’s salary is to be discussed or decided.
Section IV. Amendments to By-Laws
- Amendments to these by-laws may be adopted at any regular meeting of the Board, provided that notice of proposed amendments is given to all members of the Board in advance of the meeting.
Enacted: January 11, 2011
Reviewed: February 11, 2014
Amended: September 5, 2018